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Tennille Wait
Financial Aid Counselor – Financial Wellness
Financial tip I wish I knew as a student: It's OK to pause and take a breath when making financial decisions. Reach out for advice from knowledgeable sources when you need to.

Stephanie Peel
Professor of Practice, George E. Porter Accounting Faculty Fellow
Financial tip I wish I knew as a student: Take advantage of "free money" through employer match of 401(k)/403(b) contributions. Do it for any job that offers the benefit (because free money is pretty awesome).
Peer Financial Coaches

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Graduating year: 2024
Major: Business Administration, Finance
Financial tip to my freshman self: It can be as negative to oversave as it is overspend. Money is important, but your happiness is too.

Pronouns: He/Him/El
Graduating year: 2024
Major: Journalism and Communication
Financial tip to my freshman self: Create an emergency fund; you never know when you'll need extra cash.

Pronouns: He/Him
Graduating year: 2024
Major: Finance, Economics
Financial tip to my freshman self: Invest everything you have into yourself and it will pay dividends for the rest of life.

Pronouns: She/They
Graduating year: 2024
Major: Architecture
Financial tip to my freshman self: Buy food in bulk if you can to meal prep!

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Graduating year: 2025
Major: Computer Science
Financial tip to my freshman self: Open a Roth IRA as early as you can!

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Graduating year: 2024
Major: Sociology
Financial tip to my freshman self: Treat your credit card like a debit card!

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Graduating year: 2024
Majors: Economics
Financial tip to my freshman self: Practicing financial discipline doesn't mean sacrificing enjoying your hard earned money. There's a balance!

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Graduating year: 2024
Major: Public Relations
Financial tip to my freshman self: Create a budget that keeps in mind your needs and wants.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Graduating year: 2025
Major: MS in Couples and Family Therapy
Financial tip to my freshman self: Never pay full price!

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Graduating year: 2024
Major: Business Administration, Finance
Financial tip to my freshman self: Use your credit card in a revolving fashion.

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Graduating year: 2026
Major: Business Administration, Finance
Financial tip to my freshman self: Start investing as soon as possible, and stay consistent.

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Graduating year: 2024
Major: Business Administration
Financial tip to my freshman self: Before making a purchase online, check the price trends, make sure you're getting a good deal!

Pronouns: She/They
Graduating year: 2025
Major: Journalism
Financial tip to my freshman self: Set specific and realistic savings goals and plan how you'll reach them!

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Graduating year: 2024
Major: Business Administration, Finance
Financial tip to my freshman self: Create a budget, build credit, and save as early as possible. Your future self will thank you.

Pronouns: He/Him
Graduating year: 2025
Major: Advertising
Financial tip to my freshman self: Budgeting is the foundation of financial management.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Graduating year: 2024
Major: Business Administration, Finance
Financial tip to my freshman self: If you can't buy it twice, you can't afford it.