Scholarship Bulletin Board

This bulletin board lists scholarship opportunities from organizations outside of the UO. Click on the filters on the right to limit which scholarships are displayed. We encourage you to apply for any scholarship you are eligible for—even small amounts can add up to make a big difference.

The third parties offering scholarships listed here are not part of the UO and are not vetted or otherwise endorsed by UO. The UO has no jurisdiction or control over the terms of the scholarships, or how, when or to whom they are awarded. UO does not warrant, guarantee or otherwise indemnify any of the third parties’ actions. This list is provided merely to show a range of possible options.

If you have a scholarship opportunity you would like posted on this page, please submit your request to

Waggle Human-Pet Bond Scholarship Opportunity

We created the Waggle Human-Pet Bond Scholarship to help lower the financial strain on college and university students so they have more money available to care for the four-legged friends that emotionally support them in their school endeavors.
● Deadline: Nov 1, 2024
● Award: $1000
● Selection Criteria: reside in the United States or Canada, be a pet guardian, be enrolled in a full-time college or university program

Future Leaders Scholarship

This scholarship aims to support the next generation of leaders in their respective industries so they can make an impact. Any undergraduate or graduate student with leadership skills may apply for this scholarship opportunity.
● Deadline: Oct 1, 2024
● Award: $1000
● Selection Criteria: Applicant must be a current U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident
● Grade Level: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students

BizInsure Architecture & Engineering Scholarship

BizInsure strives to support these students through our scholarship program, which recognises the dedication of university students in architecture and engineering fields. 
● Deadline: Dec 22, 2025
● Major / Area of Study: Engineering, Architecture
● Award: $10000
● Selection Criteria: Aged 18-year-old or older
● Grade Level: Undergraduate Students

Harlem Bling Diamond Jewelry Scholarship Program 2024

Two scholarships of $600 each will be awarded to 2 passionate students, with the aim of reducing some of their day-to-day financial obstacles so they can focus on their studies.
● Deadline: Sep 25, 2024
● Award: $600
● GPA: 2.50
● Selection Criteria: Be currently enrolled in a US university or college for the upcoming school year

The Maineri Law Firm Higher Education Scholarship

Undergraduate students may apply for our scholarship, which may be used to address educational expenses during their freshman, sophomore, or junior year. Our scholarship is available for those who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate program and who plan to pursue graduate degrees in one of the following fields:
  • History
  • Journalism
  • Political science
  • Communications
  • Education
  • Language
  • Literature
  • Psychology
  • Geology
  • Geography
  • Degrees related to the legal field
  • Environmentally-related degrees
● Deadline: Oct 7, 2024
● Award: $1000
● GPA: 3.00
● Selection Criteria: Must be a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident of the United States

Rising Stars Scholarship

Our scholarship program provides financial assistance to students who have been able to significantly improve their grade point averages since beginning their college education. Each semester, we award a $1,000 scholarship to a student who can demonstrate that their GPA has increased by at least one point from semester to semester or year to year. By supporting students who have overcome academic and personal struggles, we aim to help them ensure that they can achieve their educational goals.Winners of the Rising Stars Scholarship can use the award to pay tuition or address other costs related to their college education, including housing, books, or supplies. The deadline to apply for the fall 2024 scholarship is September 11, 2024. 
● Deadline: Sep 11, 2024
● Award: $1000
● Selection Criteria: Have improved your GPA by at least one point at any time while attending college., Citizen or lawful permanent resident of the US.

NSF Science Pathways

Oregon Pathways to Industry Research Careers (OPIRC) is a $4.3M National Science Foundation grant that will support 64 students with financial need as they move through community college to high-wage science and engineering careers. Students may qualify for up to $45,000 in scholarships over the course of 4 years, with eligibility beginning their final year at community college, continuing through their pursuit of a bachelor’s in physics, chemistry or biochemistry at University of Oregon, and finally while pursuing an industry-focused master’s through the UO Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program (KCGIP). In addition to scholarships, students will have access to: - Career and academic mentoring. - Community-building activities. - Professional networking opportunities. The final stage of OPIRC, enrollment in the KCGIP, leads directly to industry employment through a 9-month paid industry internship within the manufacturing, high-tech and healthcare fields (specifically: semiconductors, optics, polymers, sensors, and bioinformatics). The 2022 cohort received offers from companies such as Thermo Fisher Scientific, MKS Instruments, Intel, Lockheed Martin Corporation and Lawrence Livermore National Labs. The average annualized compensation was $74,500.
● Deadline: Sep 1, 2024