Computer Purchase Request

Policy:You may request your total cost of attendance be increased for the purchase of a computer and needed peripherals. This request may be made only once per degree program. Requests made near the end of the term may not be reviewed in time to be processed, and this request cannot be made during the term you will graduate. Your cost of attendance can be increased to up to $1,500. If you are unable to find a computer for under $1,500, speak with a financial aid counselor to discuss your specific circumstances.


Acceptable Documentation:In addition to completing, printing, signing, and submitting this document you will need to attach one of the following acceptable forms of documentation:

  1. A copy of a receipt clearly showing the computer purchased and how much you paid for it.
  2. A purchase order from the appropriate retailer (ie UO Duck Store) that includes your name, the computer you will purchase, and the total cost.
  3. An online quote that shows your name, the specific computer and peripherals you will purchase, and shows the total cost (not including shipping).



Increasing Your Financial Aid:If you have additional student loan eligibility, you may request your loans be increased. Note that because of federal loan limits, increases to student loans are typically spread out over all three terms of the academic year. This is not always the case and it is recommended you speak with a financial aid representative before making this request. If you are not eligible to have your student loans increased due to loan limits, you parent may request to apply for or increase the PLUS or you may apply for an alternative student loan. In these situations it is recommended you speak directly with a financial aid representative before making this request.