
At the University of Oregon most students attend full time. Students registered for less than 1/2 time are typically not eligible for aid. To get your financial aid each term, you must be registered for enough credit hours to match your expected enrollment level. If your aid has not disbursed because you are not registered for enough credit hours, you may either add credit hours before the add deadline or request your enrollment be revised to 1/2 time or 3/4 time enrollment.

Enrollment Level



Full time

12 or more credits

9 or more credits*

3/4 time

9–11 credits

7–8 credits

1/2 time

6–8 credits

5–6 credits

Summer Law enrollment levels are different than during the academic year.

Census Date

The financial aid census date is immediately after the the deadline to add classes each term**. At that time enrollment is frozen and financial aid eligibility is reviewed. If your enrollment level has changed, your aid may be reduced and you may owe a balance to the UO. In most cases, financial aid eligibility cannot be adjusted upward after the census date, even if additional credits are added after the census date. 

Changes Made Before the Census Date: 

Dropping classes after financial aid has disbursed but before the census date will likely result in your aid being revised to match your enrollment level as of the census date. This adjustment may result in the reduction or cancellation of your aid and a balance may be due on your UO student billing account.

Changes Made After the Census Date: 

Dropping classes after the census date will not typically impact the amount of financial aid you are eligible for the current term unless you completely withdraw or fail to participate in an academically related activity for each class in which you enroll and are awarded financial aid. If you do not pass a class and the university has no record that you participated in the class, your financial aid will be revised and a balance may be due on your UO student billing account. Lastly, dropping classes or failing to participate will also affect your satisfactory academic progress.

Repeat Course Work

When a student repeats a previously passed course (any grade higher than an "F"), that course will be included in the enrollment status for financial aid purposes for the first repeat only (i.e. one repetition per class). After that, if a student enrolls for the same course again, the student's enrollment level and eligibility for financial aid will be calculated in a way that excludes the credit hours of the repeated course.


*Effective Fall 2014 - Doctoral students who have officially advanced to candidacy are considered full-time enrolled when registered in a minimum of 3 credits of Dissertation (603). However, certain agencies and offices have their own course load requirements. For example, GEs may be required to register for and satisfactorily complete at least 9 graduate credits each term. It is the student's responsibility to register for the required number of credits based on his or her individual situation.

**If the University ever changes the deadline for students to add classes, the financial aid census date may not change. The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships sends an email at the beginning of the term that includes the census date.