Revising Your Financial Aid

Your financial aid may be revised if you are awarded additional education funding or your eligibility status changes. You are required to inform us of these changes.

Your aid may also change if you request a review of your estimated student expenses to include items from the list at the bottom of this page.

We will notify you through e-mail and on DuckWeb if your financial aid is revised.

Required Revisions

Scholarships and Other Resources

You are responsible for reporting the names and amounts of all educational resources including, but not limited to, scholarships, stipends, grants, tuition support (GE positions, College of Education grants, and so forth) and National Guard educational benefits provided monthly and for tuition assistance.

Enrollment Status

Your enrollment status is assumed to be full time by default. Inform us of enrollment level changes before receiving financial aid. Enrollment level changes cannot be made after the census date if your financial aid has disbursed.

Optional Expense Adjustments

We may adjust your estimated student expenses to include items directly related to your educational costs, such as:

  • Actual tuition and fees if they exceed the amounts we have projected
  • Extraordinary costs for books and supplies necessary for classes in your major field of study
  • Extra costs associated with participation in University of Oregon programs away from campus
  • Childcare expenses incurred when you and your spouse are at work or in class
  • Medical insurance or medical costs not covered by insurance
  • Extra costs related to a disability
  • Liability insurance and repairs for an automobile may be considered if your car is required for education-related travel or for commuting from outside the Eugene-Springfield area.
  • Actual resident hall costs if they exceed the amounts we have projected
  • Reasonable actual off-campus housing/rent costs, if they exceed the amounts we have projected
  • One-time increase for the purchase of a computer

Due to limitations on the types and amounts of financial aid available to assist with your educational expenses, you should consult our office to determine your options prior to requesting a review of your expenses.