Pace Calculator

Step 1: Log into Duckweb, and go to your Unofficial Transcript (click here if you are already in Duckweb).

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of your Unofficial Transcript to find your Transcript Totals.

Step 3: Enter your attempted UO hours, transfer earned hours, and transfer deductions.

Example of attempted credits from Duckweb
UO Attempted Hours:
Transfer Earned Hours:
Transfer Deductions:
Attempted Credits:

Step 4: Enter your earned hours.

Example of Earned Credits from Duckweb
Earned Hours:

Step 5:

Current Pace:   

If your current pace is less than 67 percent you need to improve your ratio of earned credits to attempted credits. Remember that your pace will be reviewed each year at the end of spring term. If your aid is suspended, you are not eligible until you successfully appeal to have your aid reinstated.