IB Diploma Scholarships

Starting with fall 2021, in recognition of students’ successful completion of the rigorous International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, the University of Oregon offers the IB Diploma Scholarship Program.

Award Information

Scholarship dollar amounts are based on the total score received on IB exams and residency.

IB Score range

Resident amount

Nonresident amount

Scholarship Name




IB Exemplar Scholarship




IB Scholar Scholarship




IB Milestone Scholarship

IB Diploma Scholarships may be combined with other UO scholarships, with the exception of the Stamps Scholarship. IB Diploma Scholarships help the UO to meet the PathwayOregon commitment.

You must enroll at the UO in the fall term of your freshman year and you must enroll in 12 University of Oregon credits each term to receive this award.

One-third of your yearly scholarship amount will be disbursed to your Student Billing Account each term in which you are enrolled full time.

Selection Criteria

Incoming freshmen (starting fall 2021) who met all regular admission deadlines may qualify for the IB Diploma Scholarship Program by:

  • Receiving an IB Diploma and providing official exam scores to the UO Office of Admissions
  • Having a high school GPA of at least 3.40

How to Apply

  • Apply for admission by January 15
  • Submit all required admission application materials to the Office of Admissions by February 15
  • After graduation, submit a copy of your IB Diploma to the Office of Admissions by September 1.

Scholarship Renewal

IB Diploma Scholarships are renewable for up to 12 academic terms (excluding summer) within a five-year period, or 15 academic terms within a six-year period for students seeking a BLA, BIARC, or BARCH degree. If you graduate prior to using all of the terms of the scholarship you were offered, any remaining terms not used will be forfeited.

Renewal awards require a minimum 3.00 cumulative UO GPA and completion of 12 UO credits per term/36 UO credits per year.

Complete scholarship terms and conditions.