Verification of High School Completion

Your financial aid application was selected for review in a process called verification. The university has the right to review this information prior to awarding federal aid (34 CFR, Part 668). If corrections are necessary, we will notify the federal processors and send you a revised offer of financial aid indicating any changes in aid eligibility.

Action Required:

Students must provide one of the following documents that indicate their high school completion status:

  • A copy of a high school diploma
  • A copy of a final, official high school transcript that shows the date when the diploma was awarded
  • A copy of a General Educational Development (GED) certificate or GED transcript
  • An academic transcript that indicates the student successfully completed at least a two-year program that is acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree
  • A copy of a secondary school completion credential for homeschool (other than a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent) if state law requires homeschooled students to obtain that credential
  • A transcript or the equivalent, signed by the parent or guardian of a homeschooled student, that lists the secondary school courses the student completed and documents the successful completion of a secondary school education in a homeschool setting

If your school has already received one of the documents above as part of the admission process, you do not need to ask for another. Students who are unable to get one of these documents must contact your financial aid office.