Scholarship Bulletin Board

This bulletin board lists scholarship opportunities from organizations outside of the UO. Click on the filters on the right to limit which scholarships are displayed. We encourage you to apply for any scholarship you are eligible for—even small amounts can add up to make a big difference.

The third parties offering scholarships listed here are not part of the UO and are not vetted or otherwise endorsed by UO. The UO has no jurisdiction or control over the terms of the scholarships, or how, when or to whom they are awarded. UO does not warrant, guarantee or otherwise indemnify any of the third parties’ actions. This list is provided merely to show a range of possible options.

If you have a scholarship opportunity you would like posted on this page, please submit your request to

Children of Injured Workers Scholarship

The Hoggatt Injury Law Children of Injured Workers Scholarship offers this award to a student whose parent has been injured or killed in a work-related accident. We are excited about bringing this opportunity to the attention of students in need, and we hope you will share it with your students.
● Deadline: Jun 24, 2024
● Award: $1000
● GPA: 2.50
● Selection Criteria: You are a U.S. citizen, Your parent has been affected by a work-related injury, You are enrolled (or will be) in an undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited U.S. college or university through at least the Fall 2024 semester

Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarships

Our Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarships support students who have persevered through adversity and have a passion for helping other people. For this next round of awards, we will select one recipient to receive a $5,000 award, as well as two additional recipients to receive $2,500 awards. 
● Deadline: Jun 17, 2024
● Award: Varies
● Selection Criteria: You are a U.S. citizen., You have a demonstrated record of community or volunteer service., You are enrolled in an undergraduate program at an accredited U.S. college or university for the Fall 2024 semester.
● Grade Level: Undergraduate Students

Miami Family Law Breaking The Cycle Scholarship

Our Miami Family Law Breaking The Cycle Scholarship provides a $1,000 award each semester to a student who has grown up in a volatile family environment and is looking to further their education in hopes of “breaking the cycle” of strife that they experienced in their childhood and perhaps continue to experience.
● Deadline: Jun 19, 2024
● Award: $1000
● GPA: 3.00
● Selection Criteria: You are or will be enrolled in an accredited U.S. college or university for the Fall 2024 semester as an undergraduate or graduate student., You are a citizen or permanent resident.

Waggle Human-Pet Bond Scholarship Opportunity

We created the Waggle Human-Pet Bond Scholarship to help lower the financial strain on college and university students so they have more money available to care for the four-legged friends that emotionally support them in their school endeavors.
● Deadline: Nov 1, 2024
● Award: $1000
● Selection Criteria: reside in the United States or Canada, be a pet guardian, be enrolled in a full-time college or university program

BizInsure Architecture & Engineering Scholarship

BizInsure strives to support these students through our scholarship program, which recognises the dedication of university students in architecture and engineering fields. 
● Deadline: Dec 22, 2025
● Major / Area of Study: Engineering, Architecture
● Award: $10000
● Selection Criteria: Aged 18-year-old or older
● Grade Level: Undergraduate Students

Invest in Your Future Scholarship

Twice per year, The Fisher Investments “Invest in Your Future” College Scholarship Program will award $2,000 to college students who demonstrate financial literacy skills and a commitment to achieving their financial goals. We encourage all applicants from all educational backgrounds, who can clearly demonstrate strong financial literacy skills, a commitment to achieving their short and long-term financial goals, and outstanding academic performance
● Deadline: Jun 30, 2024
● Award: $2000
● GPA: 3.00
● Selection Criteria: Must be a United States citizen and resident of the United States.