Financial Aid Next Steps
Financial aid offers for newly admitted students will be available on DuckWeb for eligible students beginning at the end of March.* Continuing students will receive their financial aid offers on DuckWeb at the end of spring term.
Follow these steps to ensure your financial aid is set up prior to the school year.
You will receive an email once your financial aid offer is ready to view on DuckWeb. Your financial aid offer will outline the types and amounts of financial aid for which you are eligible during the academic year.
We assume you want to accept all grants and scholarships so they are "accepted" by default. Work-study and loans are offered as "pending" and require you to accept them. Accept your aid and apply for loans (if applicable) by September 1 (August 1 for Law students)
Review your outstanding requirement(s) on DuckWeb. Your financial aid cannot be released until you have satisfied all outstanding requirements. Complete your requirements within 30 days of notification
As a recipient of financial aid, you are required to report all educational resources, like outside scholarships, to the UO.
Make a plan to pay your direct charges (tuition and fees along with on-campus housing) and your estimated other expenses.
Have questions about understanding your aid types and how to pay for school?
Additional Resources
Watch this YouTube playlist to learn more about your financial aid offer, or use one of these buttons to find more resources as you make your college decision.